When temperatures drop, so do the chances of survival for your citrus and botanicals. This "Nearly Miraculous Solution"SM gives them cold hardiness naturally -- just like a blanket.
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Where is the blanket large enough to have protected this grove? And who could have wrapped all the trees in time to save them and the oranges they were bearing?
Freezes like these don't damage just crops. People's lives are at stake.
Thankfully, there is a virtual "blanket", easily applied, that can prevent this kind of loss.
And it can help boost crop yields, too. |

the onset of colder temperatures, water condenses and moves slower. It
can even freeze. In the tiny capillaries and wateways within a plants'
delicate structures, the flow of nutrients and vital carbon dioxide
slows to a crawl or stops altogether. With no circulation, living
tissues start to die. Just as with humans and most other living
organisms, the colder the temperatures, the longer the stoppage, and
the greater is the ensuing necropathy.
approaches have ranged from attempts to genetically alter the plants
being "protected" (risky and potentially health-harmful for those eating the crops) to
various methods of changing the physical conditions faced by the crops.
Drapes and covers, foggers, misters, and even waxy coatings have been
tendered as ways of insulating plants from the devastation frosts and
freezes wreak on crops in the field and botanicals in nurseries and
For the most part, these are temporary at best,
and the size of the plants or planted areas make the challenges
enormous and costly. But the potential for loss is in the multiplied
billions of dollars for farmers who must bring healthy crops to harvest
in order to survive.
And consumers pay a hefty price, too.
When cold weather decimates food crops, with the diminished supply
both demand and prices go up -- sometimes exponentially. The
farmers fortunate enough to sustain their crops do quite well. The
others sometimes suffer irreparable losses.
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM and the other CleanPlantsHappyPlantsTM
products work to make water droplets extremely tiny so that they flow
better and longer through the plants' circulatory systems -- even for
sustained periods and temps as low as 27oF.
Among other things, CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM and the other CleanPlantsHappyPlantsTM
products increase the Cation Exchange Capacity both of and in the soil
and within the plants' cell structures themselves. The ability to keep
the "juices" flowing during thermal extremes helps assure a plant's
continued survival and health.
As with all the CleanPlantsHappyPlantsTM products, CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM is powered by QuantumMaxxTM
proprietary 100% botanically based Nano Colloidal Solutions, providing mechanisms which
allow plants to improve the efficiency of formerly
beleaguered systemic functions and begin to perform in ways many are
calling "nearly miraculous". What is truly wonderful and newsworthy is
that the soap formulations are completely safe to the plants, the soil
in which they grow, the groundwater and waterways beneath, and the
people and animals that must come into contact both with the plants and
the soap that helps them.
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM is
formulated and concentrated to provide the added ability that citrus
and other sensitive plants need to help them achieve winter hardiness.
It has been proven effective both as a preventative and remediative
treatment, is easily and economically applied, and provides ongoing
benefits along with the obvious frost resistance.
Bottom line?
very little expense -- in fact mere fractions of what has traditionally
been spent when scrambling to try to protect plants and crops from
adverse cold weather -- superior protection and recovery when the
mercury wants to dip dangerously deep into your livelihood. |
the thought of cold weather makes me shiver. As the temperatures drop,
my circulation gets weaker and weaker, and I can literally freeze to
death. Or at least that was true before Citrus BlanketTM came along.
"With periodic doses of Citrus BlanketTM as the winter comes on (or at least a really good one right before a frost or freeze), the thermometer can drop as low as 27o F, and all my systems can keep working, making sure I'm hydrated and nutritionalized.
it doesn't just work for me. All my botanical and exotic friends have
noticed the same thing. And even when the tremperature goes
substantially lower and we look like we have had it, a good drenching
with the Citrus BlanketTM shortly
after, and in no time, we are back to our normal healthy selves. It
truly has warmed our hearts to have our farmers take care of us with Citrus BlanketTM.

CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM is available in concentrated
form for diluting/premixing in quarts, gallons, 4 gallon packs, 55 gallon
drums, and 250 gallon "totes".
It can be applied
with a pressurized garden sprayer, a garden hose applicator, a
tractor-pulled multi-furrow tank fed sprayer, or rigged to an
irrigation system.
Generally. General mixing guidelines are one ounce of product to one gallon of chlorine-free water. 1
Gallon of RTM ("Ready
mixed with 128 gallons of chlorine-free water is the base line for
drenching an average acre of growth, dependent upon height
and girth, more mixed product being needed for the increased surface areas.
Heads Up. The
effects of this product have been shown to help plants become more
resistant to thermal extremes with temperatures as low as 27 degrees F.
Use as added protection when
frost or freezing temperatures are forecast, for use of the product
does not substitute for prudent understanding and use of other means to
help protect during hard freezes or frosts. There is no
guarantee, expressed or implied, against freezing or frostbite damage.
Preparation. Fill
hose-powered sprayer reservoir with full strength SPRAYER CONCENTRATION
of CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM
from source. Set dilution/delivery dial to ONE (1)
OUNCE per ONE GALLON of water. Best results are achieved with
chlorine-free water, especially if mixing well in advance of
-- Superior protection comes from pretreating targeted trees/plants
several times throughout the winter, preferably well in advance of
dangerously dropping temperatures. A treatment right before such a
temperature drop is recommended and helpful. Thoroughly drench the
targeted plants from
their outer and uppermost growths both on top of and underneath the
foliage. Follow the drenching down stems or trunks and thoroughly soak
the soil at the base of each plant. Historically, protection and frost
resistance have been found to work as low as 27o F. Remediative. Weather can be capricious as well as unpredictable. Even when temperatures drop below 27o F or when cold snaps catch farmers and homeowners unawares, CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM
has also shown to be effective. Apply porduct as above but as soon
after a freeze or frost has harmed the plants. A thorough drenching
before necrosis has fully set in will allow the flow of moisture and
nutrients to restore health and vitality to freeze-damaged plant
Qty |
Product |
Prod Code |
Retail Price |
Ship Wt (lbs) |
Makes total
# of gals |
to H2O
Ratio |
Applied $ /gallon |
Applied $ / qt |
Applied $ / oz. |
1 |
Quart RTM Spray Concentrate |
03425032QRTM |
$28.95 |
3 |
33 |
1/128 |
$.8977 |
$.2244 |
$0.0070 |
1 |
Gallon RTM Spray Concentrate |
03425128GRTM |
$89.95 |
11 |
129 |
1/128 |
$.6973 |
$.1743 |
$0.0054 |
1 |
55 Gal Drum RTM Spray Concentrate |
03425055DRTM |
$3,135.00 |
475 |
7,095 |
1/128 |
$.4419 |
$.1374 |
$0.0043 |
1 |
250 Gal Drum Pressure Spray Concentrate |
03425250TRTM |
$11,225.00 |
2,400 |
32,250 |
1/128 |
$0.3481 |
$0.0870 |
$0.0027 |
Gallon of RTM ("Ready
mixed with 128 gallons of chlorine-free water is the base line for
drenching an average acre of new growth. As plants increase in height
and girth, more product is needed for the increased surface areas. |
per usage ounce goes down dramatically with higher product volume
purchase. |
Projected costs per
gallon, quart, or ounce are for product only
and do not reflect cost of water
(for concentrate dilution), applicable taxes, or shipping. |
-- No claims of warranty or guarantee of any nature are made other than
that this product is an effective, non-toxic, bio-degradable cation
exchange stimulant. The user assumes all responsibility for its use,
including any needed state regulatory approvals. |
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Yeah, we know. Plants
don't talk, don't have feelings, and don't express emotions.
But it's a cool metaphor anyway. Besides, it got
your attention, didn't it? And once you see the amazing
differences enjoyed by seeds, plants, root systems, soils, and produce
washed with our totally safe botanically based products, you, at least,
will be smiling. You'll go from Grumpy Gardener to Happy Harvester like
all the rest of our customers.
No animals are ever used or hurt in the testing of our
products. (We test on ourselves instead.) Like the
plants, we're doing great, thank you.