Texas A&M Test Results -- Part 2 Results? YES! But WHY?
from testing recently conducted by a division of Texas A&M
University in Weslaco, Texas, seem to indicate that two 100%
botanically derived nano-colloidal agricultural soaps may prove as
effective in the battle to control citrus greening as a leading
petroleum derived pesticide – without the side effects or
liabilities – but in ways
radically different than one might think!
Citrus Save-R™ and R.S.V.P.
Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™ are members of a family of products
powered by QuantumMaxx™, a powerful proprietary nano-colloid solution
blended 100% from botanical extracts. These products dramatically
increase the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of soils and plants.
physical and electro-magnetic properties of these solutions greatly aid
plants in making use of available nutrients with zero harm to the
plants, the soil, the groundwater, the workers in the field, or the
consumers at home. Their innate CEC helps and enhances the plants’
nutrient systems (the portion targeted by citrus greening).
In field
applications around the United States and in several foreign countries,
the results have been earlier and faster cycle growth, more robust
growth, substantially enlarged root systems, measurably greater yield
increases, BRIX test increases as high as 20%, frost resistance to 27O
F, and an increased natural resistance to parasitic attack.
It has long been noted that
parasites are attracted to unhealthy plants and turned away from those
that are hardy. Unhealthy plants manifest more parasite infestations.
Hardier routinely have less to none. No doubt this is part of a design
in nature to cull the weak and allow the proliferation of the healthy.
This natural resistance brought about by the use of the QuantumMaxx™
powered agricultural solutions has enabled a growing number of farmers
in numerous locales to produce pesticide-free crops and botanicals –
which, along with all the other benefits, has positively affected their
overall profitability. | Untreated
orange is on the left, the treated orange on the right. The QuantumMaxx™ formula
treated orange ripened and turned orange on the tree. Note the deeper flesh color of the treated orange. Testing on the BRIX test revealed that the treated orange was 20%
sweeter than the other. Higher
levels of natural sweetness are traditionally positive signs of
healthier fruit both in the growth and also in the consumption.
since Citrus Save-R™ and R.S.V.P. Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™ are NOT PESTICIDES and can only affect insects directly at time of
application, it was the increased health and vitality of the trees,
achieved in a remarkably short period of time, which helped the treated
citrus trees to become naturally resistant to the psyllids. Since the
treated trees were not giving off the signals which normally attract
parasites, the numbers present for counting were substantially less
than the untreated trees – in reduction percentages rivaling those
where neurotoxic poisons had killed the psyllids. | Further proof of this
phenomenon may also come from a second test conducted at the end of the
psyllid trials. Upon examination for Citrus Rust Mites and False Spider
Mites, while the mean averages are statistically equivalent, the actual
population numbers were significantly different.
For both the CRM's and
the FSM's, the R.S.V.P. Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™ counts were
substantially less than the toxic pesticide treated plants. But the
Citrus Save-R™ had exactly ZERO of either specie. |
Who would have thought something so tiny could cause all that much harm?
Until the Citrus Greening problem came around, CRM's were just about Public Enemy Number One for citrus growers. Measuring
only 1/200th of an inch, the lemon colored, wedge-shaped citrus rust
mites (CRM) and their eggs cannot be seen without a hand lens. With a
life span of only seven to ten days, they have been the bane of citrus
growers for years, causing untold millions of dollars in damages. |

demonstrated by the tests in Weslaco, perhaps the best “cure” for
citrus greening or any number of other parasite related maladies is
prevention – proactively aiding citrus trees and other plants to resist
the onslaught of pests by being naturally robust and healthy so that
they are not targeted by disease-bearing and damaging pests in the
first place.

 | Citrus Save-R™ and R.S.V.P.
Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™ are members of a family of cleaning
solutions and specialty products which are
- 100% botanically derived,
- 100% carcinogen / mutagen / cytogen free,
- 100% American blended Proprietary Nano Colloid Soaps.
They are non-toxic, non-caustic, non-corrosive, non-explosive, and
non-flammable. They contain no fumes, no vapors, no butyl, no phenol,
no chlorine, no petroleum distillates, no nitric acid, no phosphoric
acid, no hydrochloric acid, no citric acid, no sulfuric acid, no
dioxane, and no ethylene dioxide. They are harmless to the soil and to
groundwater and water systems. They are soaps and are to be respected
as soaps, slippery when wet, not to be sprayed in the eyes (mild
stinging may occur – flush with water), and for external use only. They
are TOTALLY TOXIC FREE, and, used as directed, they are “TOTALLY HAZARD
FREE”TM. | 1Citrus
Save-R™ and R.S.V.P. Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™ treatment sprays
were applied 7th, 18th, and 26th of August 2009, each at a ratio of one
ounce of concentrated product per one gallon of well water at a rate of
200 gallons of mixture per acre, with each treatment replicated three
times. Pyrethoid only sprayed once on 07 August 2009 at a rate of 2.4
ounces of toxin per acre.
.pdf copy of the results from the Texas A&M tests is available
without charge upon request. Published test results do not necessarily
mean endorsement by the university or any of its departments or staff.
These results have not been evaluated or endorsed by any agency or
department of any government.
maximize the degreasing surfactant effect on plants attacked by
insects, applications are best made on days one, four, and seven. The
fact that the all natural products were applied eleven and then eight
days apart lends further credence to the value of the products as
“immunity boosters” for plants as their primary function in obtaining
control of adverse conditions.
A .pdf copy of the results from the Texas A&M tests is available by clicking here.
test results do not necessarily mean endorsement by the university or
any of its departments or staff. Neither the results nor this article
has been evaluated or endorsed by any agency or department of any
government on any level. ___________________________
Citrus Save-R™, R.S.V.P. Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster™, QuantumMaxx™, CleanPlantsHappyPlants™, and Nearly Miraculous Solutions™ are the exclusive proprietary brands and trademarks of CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com and Pro-active Environmental Technologies.
2009 – CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com and CPHP Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission is specifically and
solely granted to copy or publish article only in its entirety. |
Yeah, we know. Plants
don't talk, don't have feelings, and don't express emotions.
But it's a cool metaphor anyway. Besides, it got
your attention, didn't it? And once you see the amazing
differences enjoyed by seeds, plants, root systems, soils, and produce
washed with our totally safe botanically based products, you, at least,
will be smiling. You'll go from Grumpy Gardener to Happy Harvester like
all the rest of our customers.
No animals are ever used or hurt in the testing of our
products. (We test on ourselves instead.) Like the
plants, we're doing great, thank you.