When the vision of the lawn in
your mind
is better than the view of the grass in your yard, you
need CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM!
lackluster lawns get up and "dance"!SM
Today's lawns are on
artificial life support. Almost the moment we stop infusing them with
chemicals of all sorts (many of them seriously offensive and downright
toxic), they turn brown and all but die. Without poisons to kill the
bugs and ward off the weeds, our lawns are so unhealthy on their own
that they quickly succumb to predator insects and parasitic
By contrast, a truly healthy lawn is able to pull from the soil the
necessary nutrition it needs without being force fed. Healthy lawns can
sustain and hold their own against whatever the climate and
the times are dishing out. They are not a target for insects which feed
on the sick and weak.
Good lawns are a joy to behold
and walk upon -- without fear of
ingesting something sickening or deadly. It's time we kicked our
addiction to chemicals and cleaned up our act. Literally. And what
better way than with the revolutionary and almost miraculous nano
colloidal power of a 100% botanically derived carcinogen free, mutagen
free, cytogen free biodegradable soap?
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM.
Makes lackluster lawns get up and "dance"!SM
Sadly, the picture we have in
our minds of what our lawns should look like seldom matches the reality
of what they are. In our haste to make them perform to our expectations,
we inflict them with pound after pound, gallon after gallon of
commercial fertilizers and toxic poisons to kill all manner of critters
and diseases that feast upon our artificially "healthy" turf.
It's no wonder then, that
toward the end of another poisonous season and through the cooler, drier
months our lawns respond (or retaliate) by looking dismally distant
from what we would wish them to be.
And we have come to accept this cycle without questioning whether
that is how it must be or if that is how it is in the face of our
constant chemical onslaught. Where snows mound over the dormant greens,
we seem neither to notice nor mind the condition of the grass we claim
we cherish so well in the summer. In climates such as those found in
Florida -- where the passing of winter is more often marked by
the calendar than by the temperature, brown ugly lawns and growing
patches of deadness tell us what the thermometer does not. It must be
winter. Look at the yard.
The lesson to be
learned is that of simple application of principles we are learning
about plants in general. (For is not a lawn just a collection of
multiplied millions of plants?) If what we are able to do for plants
and crops is applied to the aggromination of Poa Pratensis (or
whatever else we call what we mow), is there perhaps a different
response from the grass and a better lawn to be had for far longer each
year than we have previously experienced? And if the results
are as dramatic as have been witnessed during the so-called
"off season", how much healthier and vibrant will be the grass during
the typical growing season?
As with all the other products
in the CleanPlantsHappyPlantsTM
family, CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTMis powered by QuantumMaxxTMproprietary Nano Colloidal Solutionwith its all-natural
ingredients and nearly miraculous facilitating capabilities. CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM is a
solution of a 100% botanically based soap which has been
formulated to treat the field of plants we call
"lawns". It works on our most neglected plants -- the collective
individual grass shoots and their roots.
The lawns reward our efforts
by becoming lush, full, luxurious, and productive. No longer abused and
poisoned, they do what growing things do when given the best chance
to fulfill their destiny. They grow. Healthy. Hearty. Resistant to
elements, parasites, and diseases which prey upon the weak. With no
harm to the lawn, the soil beneath, the ground water below, or any
other place where water from the lawns might flow.
Bottom line? Both
expense and energy (labor) are dramatically lessened
while greater benefit is derived. Fertilizer runoff and
pollution are greatly curtailed or altogether eliminated. Insects
apparently move on, for they are apparently not programmed to take on
vibrant and wholesomely growing plant organisms. Reseeding, whenever
necessary, takes less time and can be expected to come in richer and
fuller. Nutrition already present but chemically or mechanically locked
in the soil is unleashed for the grass to absorb.
At the risk
of sounding repetitive or redundant, resources are conserved, and
plants do more with less. Less additional water. Less
additional additives. And less -- as in ZERO -- harmful chemicals and
toxins. "Because cleaner plants do better in the dirt."SM
And we do better when we have to walk barefoot on those
plants we call our lawn.
"I've got rhythm, I've got
rhythm . . .
Sorry. I get carried away. I feel like that famous actor
Green Kelly. I just gotta dance!
always like this. I would get just as dull and depressed as the next
blade. Wintertime Blahs, brown splotches, dead spots, "straw" patches,
thatch issues, all of that socially unacceptable stuff.
"But one day a friend
introduced me to . . . Say! Can you hear that? Can you hear the music?
Oops! There I go again! Where was I? Anyhow, a friend introduced me to CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-NTM Turf Conditioner.
Man, Oh, Man! Forget the blues. Forget the blahs. Hang it up with all
the brown splotches and the dead spots. That Lux Law-NTMstuff really makes you want to
get up and dance -- even in the winter time.
"Now, I've got cousins up in
Kentucky and some other places north of Dixie where it gets
super cold, and the grass pretty well chucks it for a lotta months out
of the year. And even in Florida, I used to look forward to October or
so as an excuse to give it all up and wait for Spring. But not now! Not
now with that CleanPlantsHappyPlants
Lux Law-NTM Turf Conditioner thing
going on.
Hey. Check it out for your own self. I gotta go! I gotta dance!
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM is available only in
concentrated form for diluting/premixing in gallons, 4 gallon packs, 55
gallon drums, and 250 gallon "totes". It can be applied with a
pressurized garden sprayer, a garden hose applicator (recommended for
most residential uses), a tractor-pulled tank fed sprayer, or rigged to
an irrigation system.
While an RTU (Ready To Use) product would be very convenient, it would
not be as economical as buying the concentrate and mixing with
chlorine-free water. Pound for pound, container for container, shipping
weights are the same whether purchasing a concentrated or diluted
product. Where one ounce of concentrate can be mixed on site with a
whole gallon of good water, it makes better sense to buy the
concentrate and pay shipping and container costs once instead of 128
Generally. General mixing guidelines are one ounce of product to one gallon of chlorine-free water. 1
Gallon of RTM ("Ready
mixed with 128 gallons of chlorine-free water is the base line for
drenching an average acre of new growth. SEE SPECIFIC grass directions below.
Heads Up. Product concentration
is formulated to be somewhat "forgiving". However, if applied in too
concentrated a form, it tends to dissolve oil and wax protection from
leaves. Do not exceed recommended mixing ratio without spot testing
before use. Preparation. Pre-mix as recommended below if delivering from a tank system. Fill
hose-powered sprayer reservoir with full strength SPRAYER CONCENTRATION
of CleanPlants
HappyPlants Lux Law-N Turf ConditionerTM
from the concentrate bottle. Set dilution/delivery dial to
setting recommended below for the type of lawn or crop grass. ONE (1)
OUNCE per ONE GALLON of water is typical. (Use TWO OUNCES of product
gallon of water for seriously damaged lawns for the first two
treatments.) Consult website if using any other applicator
than a hose-powered sprayer.
Thoroughly drench the lawn, allowing CleanPlantsHappyPlants Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM
to soak down into the sod. Pay special attention to any
damaged areas such as places where insects have hurt the turf, or where
animals have urinated or defecated, or areas of heavy traffic
impaction. Product formulated to be used every three or four
days for one or two weeks with regular waterings between until lawn is
fully lush and damaged areas are repaired. Thereafter, use
once every 3 - 4 weeks at the lesser concentration to maintain a clean,
healthy lawn. Works best with chlorine-free water. While safe for
external exposure to people and animals, product is NOT intended for
plant exposure at the BOTTLED concentration.
Specialty "grasses". These are general baseline percentages. Your conditions may vary slightly.
Alfalfa. -- When plants have four to six leaves, add ONE (1) gallon ofLux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to ONE HUNDRED SIXTY (160) GALLONSof chlorine-free water. Repeat at three week intervals. Do NOT spray flowers.
Grains (Barley, millets, Milo, oats, rye, wheat). -- When plants reach about six inches tall, add ONE (1) GALLON of Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to 120 GALLONS of chlorine-free water. Repeat in three weeks. HAY -- When grass reaches four inches tall, soak the roots with ONE GALLON of Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to 100 GALLONS of chlorine free water. Repeat at four week intervals. Avoid spraying flowers.
Lawn grass, turf -- Add ONE GALLON of Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to 100 GALLONS of
chlorine free water. (Set hose delivery concentration to one ounce per
.833 gallons.) Soak the roots every four weeks year round.
Pasture grass -- When grass reaches four inches tall, soak the roots with ONE GALLON of Lux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to 100 GALLONS of chlorine free water. Repeat at four week intervals. Avoid spraying flowers.
Sunflowers -- When plants have eight to twelve leaves, add ONE (1) gallon ofLux Law-N
Turf ConditionerTM RTM concentrate to ONE HUNDRED SIXTY (160) GALLONSof chlorine-free water. Repeat at three week intervals. Do not spray flowers.
Prod Code
Retail Price
Ship Wt (lbs)
Makes total
# of gals
to H2O
Applied $ /gallon
Applied $ / qt
Applied $ / oz.
1 1 Quart RTM Spray Concentrate
1 Gallon
RTM Spray Concentrate
Gal Drum RTM Spray Concentrate
Gal Drum Pressure Spray Concentrate
Gallon of RTM ("Ready to Mix"),
mixed with 128 gallons of chlorine-free water should treat the average
acre of lawn. The cost per gallon is the approximate cost per acre. Treatment should saturate soil.
per usage ounce goes down dramatically with higher product volume
Projected costs per
gallon, quart, or ounce are for product
only and do not reflect cost of water
(for concentrate dilution), applicable taxes, or shipping.
-- No claims of warranty or guarantee of any nature are made other than
that this product is an effective, non-toxic, bio-degradable cation
exchange stimulant. The user assumes all responsibility for its use,
including any needed state regulatory approvals.
Yeah, we know. Plants don't
talk, don't have feelings, and don't
express emotions. But it's a cool metaphor
anyway. Besides, it got your attention, didn't it?
And once you see the amazing differences enjoyed by seeds,
plants, root systems, soils, and produce washed with our totally safe
botanically based products, you, at least, will be smiling. You'll go
from Grumpy Gardener to Happy Harvester like all the rest of our
No animals are ever used or hurt in the testing of our
products. (We test on ourselves instead.) Like the
plants, we're doing great, thank you.