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Frost proof?
We can only imagine the nightmare. All the months of costs, expenses, payroll, interest, inspections, transportation, taxes, . . . the list seems endless. All the long hours of toil, and figuring, and planning, and borrowing, and scheduling, and hoping, and sweating, and hoping some more.

Frostproof and ready for the cold!And in one night. One flukey shift in wind or weather patterns and the whole investment, everything, can be wiped out in a few short hours because of a temperature drop. So you scramble, and spray, and light smoke pots, and cover up what you can. And hope. And sweat.

And one or two extra cold degress, one or two extra hours without a little warming, and the year, the harvest, your livelihood -- gone. Wiped out. Lost. Over.

This is a story that is turning out differently for grove owners who have done only one thing differently. They have used a formulation on their orange trees that was basically a botanically derived soap. Multiple millions have been lost all around them. But they and their crops have survived.
Quick Look
In an area hit by a heavy freeze, we are told that only the oranges which had been sprayed with the CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM formulation  made it without loss to the crop.  All the neighboring groves were virtually wiped out for the season.

Can you imagine the benefits to growers specifically and humanity at large of saving millions of acres of fruit and vegetables from freezing every year?
Frost proof?
Frost proof?  This orange grove owner thinks so.  As do the pictures.
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus Blanket(tm)RSVP Plant Scrub Initializer/Booster(tm)

The photos below were sent in by Jim Little who owns orange groves in California. They were taken shortly after a  freeze which destroyed  most of California's crops.  

The first two photos show his own trees which he had treated with the 
CleanPlantsHappyPlants Citrus BlanketTM solution. His trees were not damaged, and his crops were saved.

(Click pictures below to enlarge.)

Treated grove shortly after frost. No loss!Treated grove shortly after the frost. No loss!

The second two photos show his neighbor's grove across the highway from his own.  Unfortunately, his neighbor had not availed himself of the CleanPlantsHappyPlants
TM Family of Products. Imagine his chagrin when the frost wiped out most of his crop and caused him severe economic loss!

Treated grove after the devastating frost.Treated grove after the terrible frost. No loss!

Fresh orange juice. Not FROZEN on the tree!

Before a 270 F freeze, Madeline Bohannon, President, Rare Fruit Council, Ft. Myers, Florida, treated all but one tree.

She lost the tree she missed but saved all the rest from freezing.

This unexpected benefit holds great hope for growers who are regularly at risk from unseasonably cold weather.

The climate protecting benefits are not just limited to citrus!

Powell's Nursery     Powell's Nursery     Powell's Nursery

No Frost Loss!

Joseph Powell, owner of Powell's Nursery, Punta Gorda, Florida, uses the products to drench all of his ornamentals before each predicted freeze.

He reports no freeze damage.

Similar results have been reported in numerous locations
for a variety of crops normally susceptible to frost and freeze
such as strawberries, potatoes, other citrus, and tomatoes.

What a blessing for those who grow them and the consumers who must buy them!

All wihout toxic chemicals and damage to the environment.

That's progress we can live with!


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At CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com, we are all about what works -- safely and effectively. We are always thrilled to learn of new applications and successes regarding any of the products we make available. But when we get such stories, we do our best to verify and quantify so that we may all benefit in any increase in knowledge such news may afford. While many times the news may be second or third hand, we try hard to make sure that sources are credible and statistics are accurate. Information offered above or elsewhere on the site is provided with as much consideration for accuracy as we have been able to determine, and such information is provided so that reasonably intelligent individuals of competent mental capacity and majority age can better make informed choices regarding matters discussed.

Because of ongoing testing and filings of applications for certain certifications under current regulatory guidelines, we are not allowed to say all that we have observed or know or believe to be true about the various products and their effectiveness.  As circumstances allow the publications of such findings and/or certifications, we will be happy to share same at the appropriate times.  Where we can speak definitively and authoritatively, we take pleasure in doing so.

Anecdotal reference may from time to time be made regarding the applicability, placement, or use of one or more technologies or products in circumstances which may or may not reflect those found in any other situation. Consumers should be aware that consideration should be given to specific environmental issues which may be different from and/or in addition to those cited in such anecdotal references. At no time is or will CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com or its parent entity be in any manner responsible for factors withheld or in any way not disclosed by the consumer.  Responsibility to use or not use any particular product is solely that of the consumer.

Further, from time to time testimonials may be quoted from individuals as consumers regarding their own personal experiences regarding (a) product(s) offered by or obtained from CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com. Such individuals do so on their own behalf of their own free will in the exercise of their God-given and Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech and are neither liable for nor compensated for their comments.  While CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com may include such comments and may try to verify such comments where possible, CleanPlantsHappyPlants.com is not liable for the verity or the use, disuse, or misuse of any such information so included.

What is offered on a best efforts basis is safe, wholesome, renewable products with the intention of making a healthier, safer place for ourselves and our posterity.
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